Britpop strikes again Playlistvom 06.04.2013Interpret TitelInterpretTitelfrightened rabbitbritish sea powerbraveryveronica fallsvampire weekendkabeediesking charlesjohnny marrstereophonicsocean colour scenesportfreunde stillerdum dumsstrokespalma violetssatellite storiestwo door cinema clubmetricsoundmonsterscapital citiesfoster the peoplegrouplovekookswalk the moonbrmcblack keysvaccinesramonesvampire weekendfoalsbeat beat beatdjango djangomiike snowwoodkidwe are augustinesdecorationjake buggmumford & sonsroyal conceptkakkmaddafakkastrokeswombatscitizenswho made whophoenixfranz ferdinandcourteenerskiliansrazorlightthe jamthe kooksbackyard skullsmachineries of joybelieveteenagediane youngeyeslove lusteuropean meindian summerpaintingapplaus applausarmy of twoall the timebest of friends kids aren´t safe in the metrosleep alonespeed the collapse chaossafe and soundhelena beattongue tiedooh latightropelet the day beginnlonely boynorgaardblitzkrieg bopa-punkmy numberfireworksdefaultpaddling outi love youchapel songevery dog has it's daylightning boltbabeld-d-dancerestlessone way trigger perfect diseasetrue romanceinside worldliztomaniatake me outare you in fight the starthostage of lovegoing undergroundsofa songlibertinesjoyzipperwilliam tell metwo door cinema clubtocotronicm83rapturele tigreplacebosubwaysmaximo parkmusebombay bicycle cluburban conefidlarinterpolshout out loudscurediivsmithssuedebloc partyblood red shoesarctic monkeysgaslight asnthemarcade firewe were promised jetpacksmaccabeesviolent femmescureeditorsnew orderkraftklubyeah yeah yeahsof monsters and menmumford & sonsjohnossistereophonicsbeatleskingshivesvaccineswombatsmusetomtemando diaonationaljamesdont look back into the sunjust like heavenso into youwhat you knowfreiburg 3.0midnight cityhow deep is your lovedeceptationevery you every mei want to hearbooks from boxesresistanceshuffleurban photographno wavesheinrich maneuver100 degreesjumping someone elses traindousedbigmouthit starts and ends with youhelicoptercolddancing shoes45ready to startquiet little voicesabout your dressblister in the sunclose to mepapillonblue Mondaysongs für liamsacrilegelittle talksi will waitman must dancedakotahelpyou really got mehate to say i told you soteenage iconlet's dance to joy divisionsupermassive black holeschrei den namen meiner mutterdance with somebodybloodbuzz ohiogetting away with it