Britpop strikes again Playlistvom 05.02.2011Interpret TitelInterpretTitelanswering machinego! teamtigers that talkeswaylayerstapes 'n tapesbelle & sebastianwombatscut off your handswavvesbritish sea powerklaxonswhite liestemper trapkings of leonbabyshamblesvampire weekendphoenixtwo door cinema clubshout out loudsrazorlightmando diaokillersmusestrokesriflesarctic monkeyseditorsyoung rebel setpains of being pure at heartmorning after girlssubwaysinterpolvaccineswhite liescure smithscoraljamaicadarwin deeztwo door cinema clubdrumsplacebowe were promised jetpacksbrmckasabianbonapartewe have bandvampire weekendbloc partyfaintit's over! It's over! It's over!buy nothing day23 fearsweightlessfreak outi want the world to stopjump into the foghappy as can beking of the beachwho's in controltwin flamesbigger than us (0 uhr)faderradioactivedeliveryholiday1901undercover martynfall hardbefore i fall to piecesdown in the pastwhen you were younguprisingbarely legalfall to sorrowdancing shoesmunichif i wasyoung adult frictionthe general publicrock'n'roll queenslow handspost break-up sexto lose my lifeboys don't cryhand in glovedreaming of youi think i like u2radar detectorwhat you knowforever and ever amenbright lightsquiet little voicesspread your lovefireanti antioh!giving up the gunbanqueti disappearboy kill boymaximo parkkaiser chiefssuedekooksmumford & sonsstornowaycourteenersplacebowombatsting tingsorganmorrisseymuseeight legslacrossemanic street preacherslibertinesfoalsfranz ferdinandwe are scientistsmando diaoblood red shoeswhite lieskings of leoneditorsget up kidscure yeah yeah yeahsarcade firerakessternetomtekillersoasisdandy warholsmumford & sonsshout out loudsblurclashphoenixempire of the sunmaximo parkstereophonicsradioheadsonic youthart brutjoy divisioncure civil sinour velocity (2 uhr)i predict a riottrashdo you wannaroll away your stonezorbingnot nineteen forevermedstokyogreat djmemorize the cityirish blood english heartmuscle museumthese grey daysyou can't say no forevera design for lifetime for heroeshummerno you girlsafter hourslong before rock'n'rolli wish i was someone betterdeathsex on firean end has a startclose to mewhy can't i be yousheena is a punk rockerready to startwe danced togetherdie interessantenschrei den namen meiner muttersomebody told medon't look back in anger (4 uhr)bohemian like youlittle lion manimpossiblegirls and boyslondon callinglisztomaniawe are the peoplegirls who play guitarsdakotajust100,00%my little brothertransmissiona forest